

2015-08-13 17:22



To keep the wolf from the door 勉强度日

Would you let him in to your house?


The script of this programme 本节目台词

Li: 大家好。欢迎收听地道英语。我是杨莉…

Rob: …and me Rob. I suppose we had better explain an authentic English phrase then.

Li: Oh cheer up Rob – why are you sounding so miserable?

Rob: Well I wasn't going to say anything but… well, I've got problems… financial problems.

Li: Rob 遇到了经济困难,也就是钱方面的问题 – I'm sorry to hear that. What's happened?

Rob: I had to get my car fixed, I had to get a plumber round to fix a leaking pipe, I received a huge tax bill and then to add to it all, I lost my wallet yesterday – I'm doing my best to keep the wolf from the door.

Li: 一只狼?!不让狼进你家门?You really have got problems if you've got to keep a wolf out of your house!

Rob: Not a real wolf. When people say they're trying to keep the wolf from the door they mean they've only just got enough money to survive.

Li: Oh I see! 原来所谓的“不让狼进门”这个比喻性的短语,意思就是“竭尽全力勉强度日,维持基本生存”或者说“将就能养家糊口,维持生存”。So you just have enough money to eat and live?

Rob: Yes, it's not a good position to be in. Let's hear more examples of the phrase in action…


  • I'm going to have to sell my car if I'm to keep the wolf from the door.
  • It's tough being a student, I study all day then have to do an evening job just to keep the wolf from the door.
  • We've only just saved enough money to keep the wolf from the door.

Li: 这么说你的钱只够一家人糊口,维持生存。 OK Rob, I get it… with all your bills to pay you really are struggling to keep the wolf from the door – so what are you going to do?

Rob: I need to ask a really good friend to lend me some money.

Li: Rob 希望有谁能借给他一点儿钱 – so you need to find a good friend then?

Rob: Yes, a really good friend – like you Li? I know you have some spare cash.

Li: Sorry Rob, I've just spent that on a really nice holiday.

(Sound of wolf knocking at the door)

Rob: Huh! What's that?

Li: It sounds like the wolf is really at the door. Go on then, here's ten pounds.

(Disappointed) Oh thanks!

Both: Bye!


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  • 娱乐
  • 词汇
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