

2015-12-22 14:57




Christmas kindness 人们在圣诞节乐善好施



词汇: Kindness 善行

I'll be working this Christmas. My job? Santa Claus! White beard and red clothes are optional. I'll be joining thousands of volunteers in Britain who go and help homeless and elderly people as well as poor children.

Solidarity comes to life at this time of the year. It's cold and many people feel lonely. I'll be there for them. I was inspired by a woman in Scotland - Beatrice Cadell has just celebrated her 80th birthday and instead of presents for her, she asked her friends to buy toys. They'll be donated to a toy bank - free toys for children whose parents can't afford to buy them any.

Cadell said: "Everyone that turned up to my birthday do was absolutely brilliant! Somebody else can benefit. We don't need it. We're old."

There are plenty of places which welcome a helping hand at Christmas. The charity Crisis at Christmas, for example, has been looking for more than 10,000 volunteers to assist guests in their centres for homeless people. Volunteers with specialist skills like dentists, hairdressers, lorry drivers and performers are particularly welcome.

Another organisation, Community Christmas, is keen on volunteers who wish to offer companionship to lonely, elderly people on Christmas Day – it can be over a full lunch or just a cup of tea. They have a website with a location page so that good Samaritans can register their interest in helping out and find out more.

Scrooge is a character very much associated with this time of year. He's the central figure in A Christmas Carol, a classic by the English writer Charles Dickens. Scrooge is a selfish man who only helps himself. In the world of volunteering, there's no Scrooge in sight. We're all proud and happy Santas. Merry Christmas!


Santa Claus  圣诞老人
volunteer  志愿者
homeless  无家可归的
solidarity  团结一致
to be there for someone  在(某人)身边(提供帮助或支持)
to donate  捐献
do (noun)  聚会
to benefit  受益
a helping hand  援助之手
charity  慈善
to assist  协助
companionship  陪伴,友谊
good Samaritans  好心人,乐善好施的人
Scrooge (as an adjective)  吝啬鬼,守财奴
volunteering  志愿活动


1. 阅读课文并回答问题。

1. What will the author be doing over the festive period?
2. Who will give toys to a toy bank?
3. What will dentists do for the charity Crisis at Christmas?
4. True or false? Community Christmas wants volunteers to offer companionship to good Samaritans.
5. Why is the character Scrooge mentioned in the article?

2. 请你在不参考课文的情况下完成下列练习。从每个表格中选择一个意思合适的单词填入句子的空格处。

1. I'm cooking dinner for the whole family. I need __________. It's too much work for one person!

a toy         a helping hand         a lonely elder         Scrooge

2. I'm organising a Christmas__________. You have to come!

companionship       volunteer       do       classic

3. You're my best friend! I know that if I run into difficulties, you__________.

will be there for me        will come to life        benefit        will help my hand

4. Janice will help you wrap the Christmas presents. She's always __________ to help.

a charity       a character       keen       volunteer

5. No need for a formal invitation to my party. You just turn __________.

over        in        our        up


1. 阅读课文并回答问题。

1. What will the author be doing over the festive period?
Joining thousands of volunteers in Britain to help homeless and elderly people as well as poor children.

2. Who will give toys to a toy bank?
Friends and family of Beatrice Cadell, who is celebrating her 80th birthday.

3. What will dentists do for the charity Crisis at Christmas?
Treat homeless people at their centres for the homeless for free.

4. True or false? Community Christmas wants volunteers to offer companionship to good Samaritans .
False. Community Christmas wants good Samaritans to offer companionship to elderly people who are lonely over the festive period.

5. Why is the character Scrooge mentioned in the article?
As an example of a selfish person. The author points out that volunteers who work over Christmas to help others are not selfish at all.

2. 请你在不参考课文的情况下完成下列练习。从每个表格中选择一个意思合适的单词填入句子的空格处。 

1. I'm cooking dinner for the whole family. I need a helping hand . It's too much work for one person!

2. I'm organising a Christmas do . You have to come!

3. You're my best friend! I know that if I run into difficulties, you will be there for me .

4. Janice will help you wrap the Christmas presents. She's always keen to help.

5. No need for a formal invitation to my party. You just turn up 


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