

2018-10-24 15:28




Pre-schoolers are watching more online video, says study 研究显示英国学龄前儿童上网看视频时间增加

研究显示,目前英国有四分之三的五岁以下儿童会使用平板电脑、智能手机或计算机。市场调查机构 Childwise 询问了一千多名英国家长关于他们学龄前子女使用新媒体产品的习惯。


More than a thousand parents of under-five-year-olds were interviewed by Childwise. They revealed that 75% of their children had access to a connected device and over half of three and four-year-olds had their own tablet or computer.

市场调查机构 Childwise 采访了一千多名五岁以下儿童的家长。他们发现,在这些人的子女中,75%的孩子有机会使用能上网的设备,且有超过一半的三至四岁的孩子拥有自己的平板电脑或计算机。

Children spend just under three hours a day watching TV in various forms and while the number watching traditional television hasn't changed, they're using their devices to access all kinds of online video services.


While Cbeebies is still their favourite channel, its share of viewing has declined. Voice-recognition gadgets such as Apple's Siri and Amazon's Alexa are being used by children to play nursery rhymes or ask questions such as "how big is the moon?"

尽管 BBC 旗下的幼儿频道 “Cbeebies” 仍是孩子们的最爱,但其收视率有所下降。孩子们在使用苹果 Siri 和亚马逊 Alexa 等智能语音识别装置来播放儿歌或询问这样的问题:“月亮有多大?”

1. 词汇表

revealed 揭示了,显示了
access 使用…的机会
connected device 能上网的设备
tablet 平板电脑
traditional 传统的
devices 设备
channel 频道
voice-recognition gadgets 语音识别装置
nursery rhymes 儿歌

2. 阅读理解:请在读完上文后,回答下列问题 。 

1. According to the survey, how many three and four-year-olds owned a tablet or computer?

2. Which media habit has not changed among the under-fives?

3. What type of technology is being used by under-fives to listen to nursery rhymes?

4. True or false? Children are spending about three hours a day watching TV on a traditional TV.

3. 答案

1. According to the survey, how many three and four-year-olds owned a tablet or computer?
The survey found that over half (more than 50%) of three and four-year-olds had their own tablet or computer.

2. Which media habit has not changed among the under-fives?
The number watching traditional television hasn't changed.

3. What type of technology is being used by under-fives to listen to nursery rhymes?
Voice-recognition technology is being used by children to play nursery rhymes. Apple's Siri and Amazon's Alexa are examples of this type of technology.

4. True or false? Children are spending about three hours a day watching TV on a traditional TV.
False. Children spend just under three hours a day watching TV in various forms – not just on traditional TV.


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