
表 “目的” 的英语词汇和搭配

2019-05-14 16:49




小测验 — 表 “目的” 的英语词汇和搭配

不论是为了告诉他人我们做某事的目的,还是为了说明、解释事物的用途,我们都需要使用特定的英语搭配来表达 “目的”。英语中常用的表目的的词汇有:to + 动词原形、to、so、for、in order to。下面的八道题考考你对这类词汇的掌握和运用。

1. ______ create a good impression at the interview, she rehearsed in the mirror.

a) So as to

b) For

c) By

d) Such to

2. Complete B’s sentence so that it expresses purpose.
A: I haven’t seen Liam for ages! What’s he doing these days?
B: He’s gone to live in Germany for a year ______ practise and improve his German as much as possible.

a) for

b) by

c) in order to

d) about

3. Which of the following sentences shows purpose correctly?

a) Anna bought herself a guitar so that she could play her favourite Beatles songs.

b) Anna bought herself a guitar meaning she could play her favourite Beatles songs.

c) Anna bought herself a guitar realising she could play her favourite Beatles songs.

d) Anna bought herself a guitar. She enjoyed herself playing her favourite Beatles songs.

4. Which of the following sentences shows purpose correctly?

a) I’ve got this great new app! It’s helping me to count the number of calories in my meals.

b) I’ve got this great new app! It’s for helping me to count the number of calories in my meals.

c) I’ve got this great new app! It’s going to help me to count the number of calories in my meals.

d) I’ve got this great new app! It’s really good at helping me to count the number of calories in my meals.

5. Complete B’s response so that it expresses purpose.
A: I see Corey all the time down at the British Library. What’s he doing there?
B: He’s doing research on Japanese art ______ writing a book.

a) about

b) while

c) seeing about

d) for the purpose of

6. I am studying molecular science ______ becoming a physician.

a) because

b) with a view to

c) by

d) at

7. I’ve got to get another job ______ increase my income.

a) for

b) by

c) to

d) so

8. Which of the following does NOT express purpose correctly?

a) Did you decide to write him a letter for show him how you really feel?

b) My economics professor is so logical – she always provides facts to support her arguments.

c) I need to do thorough research on Steven Spielberg in order to write my film studies thesis.

d) Visitors are asked to leave quietly so as to avoid disturbing the neighbours.


1) a, 2) c, 3) a, 4) b, 5) d, 6) b, 7) c, 8) a.


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