

2019-05-23 14:48




Decline in UK's modern language teaching 现代语言教学在英国走下坡路

英国学者警告称,现代语言教学因 “严格的考试而受到威胁”。他们指责考试管理者对学生的考核标准过于严格,导致学生们的压力越来越大。


The Government wants three quarters of students to be taking a modern language GCSE by 2022. Yet entries for them in England have nearly halved over the past 15 years. There’ve been similar steep declines in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. 

英格兰政府希望到 2022 年,四分之三的学生能参加GCSE(英国普通初级中学毕业文凭)现代语言科目的考试。然而,在过去 15 年里,现代语言科目的考生人数几乎减少了一半。苏格兰、威尔士和北爱尔兰的考生人数也出现了急剧下降。

152 academics from 36 universities have now written to The Guardian (newspaper) arguing it's because languages exams are harder and more stressful than other subjects. ‘Where’s the incentive to choose a language if you're systematically made to feel rubbish at it?’ the signatories ask.

来自 36 所大学的 152 名学者给《卫报》写信称,这是因为语言考试比其它科目更难,压力更大。学者们问道:“如果一门语言让你觉得自己一无是处,那么选择它的动机何在?”

They also accuse England's exam regulator Ofqual of ignoring evidence about severe and unreliable grading and inadequate assessment statistics which they say are driving demoralised learners and teachers out of languages. Ofqual says it takes their concerns seriously, and a comprehensive review of grading standards is already under way.


1. 词汇表

modern language 现代语言
GCSE 英国普通初级中学毕业文凭
halved 减半
declines 下降
stressful 让人紧张、担忧的
systematically 系统的
feel rubbish 感到一无是处
unreliable 靠不住的,不可靠的
inadequate 不够好的,糟糕的
demoralised 垂头丧气的,意志消沉的

2. 阅读理解:请在读完上文后,回答下列问题 。

1. True or false? The numbers of students in England taking modern language exams is decreasing.

2. How do some academics feel the subject of modern languages compares with other school subjects?

3. What is it academics feel Ofqual has done in response to evidence about inadequate assessment statistics?

4. How is Ofqual responding to the criticism from the academics?

3. 答案

1. True or false? The numbers of students in England taking modern language exams is decreasing.
True. The report says entries for modern languages in England have nearly halved over the past 15 years.

2. How do some academics feel the subject of modern languages compares with other school subjects?
152 academics have written to The Guardian (newspaper) arguing languages exams are harder and more stressful than other subjects.

3. What is it academics feel Ofqual has done in response to evidence about inadequate assessment statistics?
They are accusing England's exam regulator, Ofqual, of ignoring evidence about severe and unreliable grading and inadequate assessment statistics.

4. How is Ofqual responding to the criticism from the academics?
Ofqual says it takes their concerns seriously and is carrying out a comprehensive review of grading standards.


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