

2019-06-05 14:42




小测验 — 英语比较级的用法

怎样用英语说 “A 比 B 好”?哪个句式可以表示 “越…越…”?英语中的比较级 “comparatives” 用来对比两个事物的质量、大小以及行为方式等。除了 “形容词 + -er/-ier” 的形式以外,英语中还有其它句式和短语搭配可用来对事物进行比较。做八道测验题,让你的英语水平变得 “更” 好!

1. Which of the following sentences is correct?

a) There are just as many great restaurants in San Francisco like there are in Los Angeles.

b) There are just as many great restaurants in San Francisco as there are in Los Angeles.

c) There are just as many great restaurants in San Francisco like Los Angeles.

d) There aren’t as many great restaurants in San Francisco the same as Los Angeles.

2. Which of the following sentences is correct?

a) The more time I spend in this city, the more I love it!

b) The more time I spend in this city, more I love it!

c) The more time I spend in this city, as more I love it!

d) The more time I spend in this city, I love it more!

3. Which of the following sentences is correct?

a) She’s too short as her mother.

b) She’s so short as her mother.

c) She’s not so short as her mother.

d) She’s not so short as is her mother.

4. Would you like to have a quick chat in my office where there is a ______?

a) greater degree of privacy

b) greatness degree of privacy

c) greatly degree of privacy

d) much great degree of privacy

5. Repairing my phone was a lot more complicated ______.

a) that I had expected

b) though I had expected

c) as I had expected

d) than I had expected

6. The theatre play was ______ the film.

a) as more exciting as

b) no more exciting than

c) no more exciting that

d) much more exciting that

7. Flying to Thailand by aeroplane is ______ by boat.

a) a great deal faster than

b) a great deal fast than

c) a great deal fast as

d) a great deal faster that

8. Which of the following sentences is correct?

a) The big the investment the more money we could make.

b) The biggest investment the more money we could make.

c) The bigger the investment the more money we could make.

d) The bigger investment the more money we could make.


1) b, 2) a, 3) c, 4) a, 5) d, 6) b, 7) a, 8) c.


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