

2015-01-22 14:53



Stab in the back 背后捅刀子

The script of this programme 本节目台词

Has anyone stabbed you in the back?

Neil: Hello and welcome to Authentic Real English! Neil with you here, and joining me is Feifei.

Feifei: 大家好!本期《地道英语》节目要给大家讲解的短语是 stab in the back. So Neil, how are you?


Neil: [Distracted] What? Oh, not bad. Well... no, no, I'm fine. Nothing, it's nothing, really.

Feifei: 我怎么觉得你好像有什么事儿瞒着我?You're not telling me something. What's the matter? 到底发生了什么?快说。

Neil: No, not really. I'm just annoyed with Jim. I don't really want to talk about it.

Feifei: But I thought you were friends. 你俩这还朋友呢。

Neil: Well, we were friends, until I discovered he stabbed me in the back...

Feifei: Stabbed you in the back?! 背后捅了你?

Neil: Yes, exactly! He had a meeting with the boss, and right there, he stabbed me in the back! In front of everyone! I'm really annoyed.

Feifei: But, surely you're more than annoyed! 捅了你?真庆幸没大碍。I mean, it's lucky he didn't kill you. What did he stab you with? A knife?

Neil: Ah, no. He stabbed me in the back with his words. There was no actual violence. To stab someone in the back means to betray someone. He knew that I wanted to handle the new video project, and he said that he'd help me get it. But then in the meeting he told the boss that I didn't have enough experience to do a project like that.

Feifei: Stab in the back 的意思是“背后捅刀子”;这个说法和汉语里的用法相似,表达背叛某人,暗箭伤人,背后插刀。Neil 说他的好哥们要帮他争取新视频节目的项目,可在老板面前却说又说他经验不足,项目不能给他。唉,你说这个人,真是太不地道了!

Neil: Here are some more examples of 'stab in the back'.


  • A lot of young people think you have to stab people in the back to get ahead in business, but you don't.
  • She told me she was in love with me, but then she stabbed me in the back and went out with Dave.
  • I wouldn't trust Laura if I were you. She's nice to your face, but then she stabs you in the back.

Feifei: So, you're not happy with Jim. But personally I'm just relieved. It could have been a lot worse. I mean, you're not actually hurt. Remember sticks and stones may break your bones but words will never hurt you.

Neil: Well, that's an expression for another programme!

Feifei: You're right. 这次教给大家的短语是 stab in the back. Not a very nice thing to do.

Neil: Join us again soon for Authentic Real English.

Both: Bye!


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