
现在完成时中 “for” 和 “since” 的用法

2019-04-16 13:42




小测验 — 现在完成时中 “for” 和 “since” 的用法

在现在完成时中,“for” 和 “since” 用来补充说明一个动作或状态所持续的时间。在这两个词当中,“for” 用来说明动作或状态所延续的 “时间段”;“since” 用来提示动作从过去的一个 “时间点” 开始。做下面的测验题,巩固你对这两个词语在现在完成时中的用法理解。

1. I’ve been waiting for your phone call ______.

a) since yesterday

b) since two days

c) for Monday

d) for the weekend

2. He has been studying at university ______.

a) for he was 19

b) since two years

c) for 2017

d) for two years

3. She’s known her best friend Mia ______.

a) for when they were toddlers

b) since they were toddlers

c) since five years

d) for 2006

4. I have been absent from work ______ because I haven’t been very well.

a) since last week

b) since the last six weeks

c) since a few days

d) for Tuesday

5. I have wanted to go scuba-diving in Mexico ______.

a) since ages

b) for such a long time

c) since years

d) for the time I was a kid

6. Which of the following sentences is correct?

a) I’m so tired. I have worked since 6 o’clock this morning!

b) I’m so tired. I worked for 6 o’clock this morning!

c) I’m so tired. I have been working for 6 o’clock this morning!

d) I’m so tired. I have been working since 6 o’clock this morning!

7. Which of the following sentences is correct?

a) Since three years, I’ve been practising the drums.

b) I love it here! I’ve lived here for I was born!

c) He has been writing that book now for two years.

d) I’ve been paying off my car loan since 18 months.

8. Which of the following sentences is not correct?

a) All his friends and family are really worried. He hasn’t been in contact since last week.

b) Ritzy is so excited that her sister is coming to visit her. She hasn’t see her sister for last year!

c) Roberto has been practising judo for ten years.

d) Sara has been listening to soul music since she could walk.


1) a, 2) d, 3) b, 4) a, 5) b, 6) d, 7) c, 8) b.


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