
What are the benefits of going back to university? 重返校园的好处有哪些

2022-07-04 22:15




What are the benefits of going back to university? 重返校园的好处有哪些


词汇:self-improvement 自我提高

Education is a good opportunity for those of us who strive to better ourselves. But for people in full-time employment, getting the balancing act between work and studying can prove a stumbling block. So, what are the benefits of hitting the books once in work?

Uni is often considered a logical step for people who wish to continue their education after school. While options of Master’s degrees, PhDs and other postgraduate qualifications exist, many students leave after obtaining their Bachelor’s and head into the world of work. After years of doing the same job, some feel adding new skills or knowledge to their locker may open up new opportunities or help them to get a promotion. Studying part-time in the evenings and weekends can be a great way to juggle responsibilities.

In terms of the benefits, learning new techniques that you can bring into the workplace can make you more of an authority in your area and a go-to person for advice. If the business has a skills shortage, you may be able to step up to the plate and fill that gap. In short, studying more could make you more promotable down the line and more useful to the business.

If you study in a classroom, your experience of the workplace could bring a wealth of knowledge to other students and provide real-life examples for you to draw on. You may also meet like-minded people who you can add to your professional network in the future. And while adult learners have to consider things like children, homelives and work, many adult and part-time courses are more flexible and spread over a number of years. Some courses can even be done partly or entirely online, which means that you can manage your time more easily studying from home and you don’t need to factor in travel time.

So, there are a variety of options for those who wish to return to studying. And increasing your skills may open up new careers or opportunities in your professional life.


strive 努力
better 提高(自身)水平
full-time 专职的
balancing act 平衡
stumbling block 绊脚石,障碍
hit the books 学习
uni 大学(university 的非正式说法)
Master’s degree 硕士学位
PhD 博士
postgraduate 研究生
qualifications 学历
part-time 部分时间地
juggle 尽力同时应付
authority 权威
go-to person 必找的人
skills shortage 技能短缺
step up to the plate 迎难而上,挺身而出
a wealth of knowledge 丰富的知识
like-minded 志趣相投的


1.  阅读课文并回答问题。

1. What benefits are there to studying part-time while also working?

2. What are the benefits to a business if a worker takes a part-time course?

3. In what ways could someone’s experience of the workplace benefit them in adult education?

4. What sorts of people can you meet on part-time courses?

5. What are the benefits of a course based entirely online?

2.  选择意思恰当的单词或词组来完成下列句子。

1. I met some really interesting and _______ people at the railway exhibition.

Master’s                 stumbling block               like-minded               striving

2. Bobbie is amazing. She’s always _______ to learn new things and improve.

PhD                        striving                            skills shortage           go-to

3. If you want to get this project done on time, you need to step up to the _______.

striving                    wealth of knowledge       PhD                          plate

4. I can’t come out tonight. I need to _______ and study for my exam tomorrow.

postgraduate          hit the books                    authority                   go-to

5. It can be tricky to learn how to _______ things in your work and social life.

juggle                      PhD                                 go-to                         striving


1. 阅读课文并回答问题。 

1. What benefits are there to studying part-time while also working?
It can make you an authority in an area, a go-to person for advice on the subject and more promotable.

2. What are the benefits to a business if a worker takes a part-time course?
It could help a person fill a skills shortage a business may have.

3. In what ways could someone’s experience of the workplace benefit them in adult education?
Work experience could provide knowledge of the subject matter and real-life examples.

4. What sorts of people can you meet on part-time courses?
Like-minded people who you can add to your professional network.

5. What are the benefits of a course based entirely online?
It makes time management easier as you don’t have to travel to the classroom.

2.  选择意思恰当的单词或词组来完成下列句子。

1. I met some really interesting and like-minded people at the railway exhibition.

2. Bobbie is amazing. She’s always striving to learn new things and improve.

3. If you want to get this project done on time, you need to step up to the plate.

4. I can’t come out tonight. I need to hit the books and study for my exam tomorrow.

5. It can be tricky to learn how to juggle things in your work and social life. 


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